ACS Fifth Grade Social Studies

Discussion Forum
Weekly Reader / Issue 10 - Volume 88

News Debate: Should kids be allowed to hunt?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Time to Reflect!

What is the most important thing that you learned in social studies this year?
How do you think you will use this knowledge in the future?


  1. the states and capitals because some day i might need to travel somewere dillon

  2. Mrs.Colcord,
    Ihave a questoin, and hope that you can answer it on monday.
    In high school do we have to study states in the world and capitals?????
    Hannah m. lacroix:)

  3. I think it was the States and Captals info because the information would be good to help navigate and travel to places. :)


  4. i think that reading maps because i will definetly use that in the future

    jack doherty

  5. I think I learned 3 very important things this year. I learned the states and capitals, which is useful for visualizing the U.S.A. and for travaling for state to state. Also, the branches of government. This is important for knowing how and in what order laws are passed. Now if there is a new law being made I will know what is going on. Last but not least is the proscess of voting. It will be useful in the future when I vote. Thanks for teaching me everything Mrs. Colcord! You ROCK!
    ~Krysten G.~

  6. This year we got to learn so much if you realy think about.It is hard to pick out the best ones
    or the most important ones.Some of the most important are the states and capitals because in the future most of the kid in the 5th grade will
    be all over U.S. One more is how to read a map
    because just think how many times will you be stuck on the side of the road trying to figure out the next turn to take.The last thing is George Washington and Ben Franklin because G.W was the first Pres. and B.F because ...........
    well for a lot or reasons.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH MRS.COLCORD !!!!!!:):):):)::):)

    ~Katelyn P.~

  7. The most important thing Ilearned this year was what martin Luther King junior did.i think it will help me with respect in the future.


  8. The most important thing that I learned this year was how to vote. It helped me understand the voting process that I will use when I am 18.

    Cammi L. Cornelissen :]

  9. I learned many important things this year in S.S.
    I think the top two would have to be voting, and the three branches of government. I will use this info when its time for to vote someday. But you've taught us so much more than just that! I feel like my head's going to blow up because you've taught us so much (in a good way!).
    I'll really miss S.S. next year

  10. The best thing I learned was the states and capitals because I am sure I will need to use that information in the future

  11. Anybody in Mrs. Colcords class did you like the sugar sculls we made in

    spanish? why or why not?

  12. Did you like the Christoper Colubus play we did in socil stuides? what part were you ? I was an all. mf

  13. my totem pole got on the front page of this blogging site!!!mona-q

  14. I liked the Columbus play we did.
    Good job mona-q!!!!!!!


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