ACS Fifth Grade Social Studies

Discussion Forum
Weekly Reader / Issue 10 - Volume 88

News Debate: Should kids be allowed to hunt?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Tough Stuff!

Which Weekly Reader questions do you think are the hardest? Why? What strategies do you use to figure them out?

My Favorite!

What was your favorite article this week? Why? What was the most interesting thing you learned?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A SMARTboard for SMARTstudents!

A SMARTboard was just installed in the fifth grade! How do you think we can use this technology tool to enhance our learning in Social Studies? In what ways have you used it for other classes? Share your ideas!

Experienced Explorer For Hire!

Which explorer did you study? Why did you pick him? What did you learn from creating a resume? What was your favorite and least favorite part of the interview process? What did you gain from the explorer project that you can use for the future?

News Debate: Making the Grade!

News Debate: Making the Grade!
from Weekly Reader Issue 1

Should failing students be banned from clubs and sports?

NEWS DEBATE: Lost and Found

NEWS DEBATE: Lost and Found
Fifth grader, Kemoy Gourzang, found a wallet with 500 dollars on his way to school. He handed it to his principal as soon as he arrived.

What would you do if you found the $500? (question by: Daniel B.)

Which "Super Woman" do you think did/does the most interesting job? (question by: Arabella)



Should bottled water sales be tapped out?

NEWS DEBATE: Big-Screen Ban

NEWS DEBATE: Big-Screen Ban

Shoul kids be kicked out of movie theaters?


What do you think?

Should teachers add exercise to academic classes?

Which section of the Weekly Reader questions were the most difficult to answer?

Weekly Reader Polls

Should officials limit snowmobiles in Yellowstone?